Someone Wants To Tell Us That -
May 1, 2023
Someone Wants To Tell Us That –
In this country you have to be a Christian
In this country women have no bodily autonomy
In this country parents will determine the school curricula
In this country there is no racism
In this country there can be no immigrants
Someone Wants To Tell Us That –
In this country the unborn have more rights than the born
In this country there can be only one kind of family
In this country there can be only one kind of marriage
In this country firearms have more value than the lives of children
In this country we must accept the shooting deaths of children
Someone Wants To Tell Us That –
In this country public health is viewed as governmental overreach
In this country our election officials are totally corrupt
In this country mass shootings are an acceptable norm
In this country the Bible is more important than the Constitution
In this country librarians are said to be purveyors of pornography
Someone Wants To Tell Us That –
In this country education is only for training a work force
In this country honest citizens speak English
In this country the poor have chosen poverty
In this country the demagogue is worthy of high praise
In this country all news is fake news
Someone Wants To Tell Us That –
In this country scientific facts are nothing more than opinions
In this country killing animals in the wild is simply humane harvesting
In this country extending thoughts and prayers cures all bad things
In this country what you are at birth is what you'll always be
In this country native people belong on reservations
Someone Wants To Tell Us That –
In this country human sexuality should only be taught at home
In this country you can be shot just because you deserve it
In this country having an abortion makes you a killer
In this country you go to church on Sunday
In this country taxes are the worst form of tyranny
Someone Wants To Tell Us That –
In this country humans are valued by their financial worth
In this country you know your place and you stay there
In this country corporate accidents are forgiven with inquiries
In this country politicians need to know but one word: Jobs
In this country you are free to do anything you want
G.K. Wuori © 2023
Photoillustration by the author