Iron Filings - 85
Good Timing – On Thursday before Valentine's Day my wife and I went to the accountant's office to sign our tax documents. I joked with the accountant that we wanted to get them in early and get our small refund before the IRS was savaged. Some joke. The next day I read that some minions of Carrottop's team had just gone into that agency and had started meddling with tax records, personnel, etc.
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Fortuitous Consequence: A week after the above our refund was delivered nicely to our bank account.
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If you want to know what's going on with the Republiguns just consider this simple explanation (without having to read all the history). Since the very beginning there were questions/arguments/debates over whether we were one unified country or simply a collection of autonomous states united over only a few issues: defense, for example, perhaps the postal service. All other social, political, and cultural issues are the province of the individual states. This latter is what the Republiguns want to go back to. In other words, the pre-Civil War days.
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Some Current Clichés –
"I categorically deny these allegations."
"Thank you for having me."
"We want justice."
"You've Got This."
"This is unacceptable."
"I felt very uncomfortable."
"No worries."
"Let's take it to the next level …"
"… and think outside the box."
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My wife and I frequently engage in "wish-cycling"; i.e., where you're not sure if something belongs in the trash or the recycling so you toss it into the recycling bin on the hope that it belongs there. Frankly, I'm not sure about recycling. Are those of us who thoughtfully separate our trash and read the little recycling numbers on the containers just being played? I know that aluminum cans and tin cans and plastic milk jugs are recycled. What about all the paper? Our supermarket has a bin for plastic bags and newspaper sleeves and I dutifully take ours there, but do they ever turn into anything other than some toxic smoke somewhere, or one of those floating plastic islands in the ocean? This is one of those things we are told to do, and it makes good sense, but without that somewhat overworked notion: transparency.
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Here's a fun little thirty-second quiz. Just ask someone (especially a young someone) if they know what the full expression is for: fax, bra, app, SAT.
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I Don't Make These Things Up – According to the Huffington Post, there is an odd trend surfacing in baby names; namely, people are using weapon-inspired names as reported by the Social Security Administration. To wit: Wesson, Caliber, Shooter, Trigger, Cannon, Ruger, Cutter, and Dagger.
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G.K. Wuori ©2025
Photoillustration by the author